
NEWS: An incredible summer of people power

It’s been an incredible summer for people power.

Take Leonard and Joanne. When Belfast City Council threatened to put down their dog Hank, they inspired 300,000 people to take action — and saved Hank’s life.

Pooch Power: These dogs helped Hank Pooch Power: These dogs helped Hank

Or 9 year old Michael, who became “the happiest boy in the whole world” after his supporters helped him win his campaign to get a life-changing drug to treat his Muscular Dystrophy.

Brave: Nine-year-old Michael won his fight for the life-changing drugs he needs Brave: Nine-year-old Michael won his fight for the life-changing drugs he needs

And in Calais, 183,000 of you stopped the demolition of a cafe which gives language lessons to unaccompanied child migrants. The cafe volunteer who started the petition had a simple message: “We are absolutely overjoyed at this news. Your signatures helped make it possible.”

Turnaround: People power saved the refugee cafe from closure Turnaround: People power saved the refugee cafe from closure users win 50 campaigns a month in the UK and your signature is the thing that makes the difference. 

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September 7, 2016 4:45 pm