
In times of tragedy people show how spirits are unbreakable

In the past two weeks, tragic attacks hit two of our major cities and devastated the UK. As what has happened becomes clearer, so do the stories of people’s love, humanity, and kindness.

From strangers offering transport and shelter to others nearby, to those who fought attackers head-on, people did things which gave light in the darkest of times.

At we have seen people come together to celebrate these heroes and their bravery, and to commemorate the lives that have been lost. We wanted to share some of these campaigns with you.

Helping a homeless hero

This petition has been started to recognise Steven Jones, the homeless man that ran to the aid of those injured at the Manchester arena.

Thanking those working to protect us

Fast response and bravery from the emergency services saved lives. Colin set up this campaign to give one officer the George Cross after he charged towards the three attackers in London Bridge with just his baton.

Give Ariana Grande the Freedom of Manchester Award

Since the attack in Manchester, 23 year old Ariana Grande returned to the UK, visited victims in hospital and hosted a “One Love Manchester” concert raising over £9.3m for those affected by the attack. Matthew launched this petition signed by 15,000 people, to give her the Freedom of the City of Manchester award for her work.

Medal for the Millwall man

Millwall fan Roy Larner has been hailed as a hero from Saturday night’s attack. He tried to stop the attackers and help others escape. He was stabbed five times while doing so. Archie started this campaign to recognise his bravery.

Bee Memorial 

The Manchester Bee captures the spirit of the city. Scott is calling to create a memorial for those taken, “so that we don’t forget the victims and that we remember how the city came together to show LOVE not hate in such a terrible time.”

These are just some of the powerful campaigns that are bringing people together and keeping spirits unbreakable. Share these positive stories with those around you and if you would like to start a campaign of your own, here is where to go.

Written by
Rima Amin
June 7, 2017 1:04 pm