
You make Change.org powerful by taking action on the issues you care about all over the world.

It’s our responsibility to keep our platform open, safe and empowering for everyone. Our policies support free speech, protect you and the wider community, and enable you to create the change you want to see.

Change.org Policies

Terms of Service

Our main legal agreement with you which explains your rights and responsibilities when you use Change.org.

Privacy Policy

Details the information we collect and how we use it to make sure you can take action on the issues you care about most.

Community Guidelines

Our Community Guidelines are a set of policies that guide you through how to best use Change.org products and tools, the types of content that is not acceptable, and how you can help us by reporting abuse.

*For the 6 month period ending 31 July 2023, there were approximately 10.85 million average monthly active users on Change.org in the European Union.
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February 19, 2018 7:46 pm