
5 mums to support this Mother’s Day

This Mother’s Day is going to look different for all of us. So take a break from coronavirus news to help these inspiring mums doing everything they can to campaign for their children.

1. Stop Denying Patients Access to Medical Cannabis on the NHS
Hannah Deacon recently won her battle for her son Alfie, who has refractory epilepsy, to access medical cannabis through the NHS. Despite securing a change in the law, the guidelines are still so restrictive that only Alfie and one other child have been given NHS prescriptions. She’s started a new petition, which 650,000 people have signed, to continue her fight for thousands of other families to access life-saving medical cannabis.

2. I’m a #MumOnAMission to make childcare work
Thuto Mali started her petition after missing out on her dream job because of a lack of childcare options. Desperate to return to work and for her 2-year-old boy to go to nursery, she discovered she’d be left with £2 a day on the Government’s Universal Credit scheme. She’s campaigning for the Government to make childcare more affordable for parents on low incomes. You can sign her petition here.

3. Inquest to find if air pollution caused my daughter’s death
Ella Kissi-Debrah died in February 2013 – aged just nine years old. At the time, her mum, Rosamund, was told she died because of her asthma. But new evidence came out linking her death to illegal levels of air pollution. After Rosamund started a petition and tirelessly campaigned, the High Court agreed to open a new inquest. But she won’t stop until the inquest happens later in 2020. You can support her petition here.

4. Take down the racist “Chimpmania” website. It attacks our children
Ashton’s baby Albie was born with a rare condition. After life-saving surgery, she shared Albie’s story online to let others know they weren’t alone. She was horrified to be told that Albie’s name and pictures were then posted on a forum “Chimpmania” for people to comment on his photos with racist slurs. Over 400,000 people have signed her petition to website-hosting company Cloudflare demanding they remove the website. You can add your name here.

5. Don’t rob my children of their dignity: Provide incontinence pads
Jackie’s children Mathew and Ellie are both severely disabled and incontinent, which means they rely on incontinence pads. Local authority cuts mean the children have had their allowance halved, so the family face their children having to sit in their own urine and faeces, robbing them of basic human dignity. Sign her petition here.

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March 22, 2020 12:05 pm